What Happens Next?
When you drop off your e-waste at one of our collection stations, an important journey that helps protect our environment and recycle valuable resources begins.

Here are the Steps your E-waste goes Through

1. Collection and Transportation
After you drop off your e-waste, it is collected by certified transporters who ensure that the waste is handled safely and in an environmentally friendly manner.

2. Sorting and Pre-treatment
At the sorting facility, e-waste is divided into different categories based on type and material. For example, large appliances, refrigerators, small electronic devices, and batteries are sorted separately. Pre-treatment involves dismantling and separating components that can be directly recycled or require special handling.

3. Material Recycling
The separated materials are then sent to specialized recycling facilities. Here, the materials undergo various processes to recover valuable substances. For example:
Metals: Metals such as copper, aluminum, and iron are extracted and melted to be used in new products.
Plastic: Plastic parts are recycled and processed into new plastic products.
Glass: Glass from screens and other components is recycled and can be used in new glass products or building materials.

4. Safe Handling of Hazardous Substances
Components that contain hazardous substances, such as batteries and certain types of electronics, are treated with special care. These are sent to facilities specialized in neutralizing hazardous substances and preventing them from being released into the environment.

5. Energy Recovery
Parts of the e-waste that cannot be recycled are sent to incineration plants where they are converted into energy. Energy recovery helps reduce the need for fossil fuels and produces electricity and heat that can be used in homes and industries.

6. Other Handling
Only a small portion of the e-waste that cannot be recycled or recovered as energy falls under other handling. This can include waste such as concrete and ceramics, as well as hazardous waste that is destroyed in a high-temperature incineration plant.
Connect your Company with us
To connect your company with us, simply fill out our form tick off which country or countries you want to take your producer responsibility and for which categories. Upon completion, you’ll receive an email containing a connection agreement and all the necessary information to manage your producer responsibility seamlessly.